The Turtle Pond
Artists: Agustine Aguirre, Norma Haas Rosen and Carlos Spivey
In the spring of 2009, our community garden was started in our unfinished parking lot. Students ages 6-12 came once a week to plant herbs, spices, vegetables and flowers. They also designed weather vanes, painted and tiled flower beds and plant containers. They built bird houses and created sculptures for the Garden Studio. The students, under the tutelage of Rogelio Acevedo and Alejandro Campos, had the satisfaction of watching the seeds become flowers and the smalll plants flourish and bear fruit, which they were able to harvest. The Garden Studio Program with the students from LA's Best expanded to tiling decorative outdoor walls for Watts Community homes.
We are very grateful that soon after the Garden Studio was underway, Artist-in-Residence Agustine Aguirre began to volunteer his talent and leadership to this very successful program. We expanded our A.I.R program which includes Rogelio Acevedo, Alejandro Campos, Crystal De La Torre, Charles Dickson, Jessica Gudiel, Dominique Moody, Norma Haas Rosen, Kenzi Shiokava, Carlos Spivey, and Rosie Lee Hooks. The Turtle Pond came in succession to the different public art projects located in the Garden. Agustine Aguirre, Charles Dickson and Alejandro Campos helped create the foundation of the pond. The mosaic on exterior walls were done by Norma Haas Rosen, the inner walls were tiled by Carlos Spivey as well as the south facing wall.
Photos by Patrick Taylor